
Network Security for the People and Network Security by the People

Release time:2021年04月06日

Network Security for the People and Network Security by the People

                                                  ---- 2020 National Network Security Propaganda Week Event

In order to popularize network security and technology, enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security in cyberspace, and actively cultivate a good atmosphere for the whole society of jointly maintaining network security, the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission, in conjunction with the People's Bank of China and other relevant departments, is scheduled to jointly organize the 2020 National Network Security Propaganda Week Event from September 14 to 20, 2020.

With the theme of "Network Security for the People and Network Security by the People", this session of National Network Security Propaganda Week Event, will focus on hot issues of public concern, hold a series of theme publicity activities such as the Cyber Security Experience Exhibition, vigorously propagandize and advocate legal and civilized Internet access, popularize network security knowledge, and cultivate a healthy and civilized network environment. Please pay your joint attention, develop good internet habits, build up our network of security, share network civilization, and build a financial security firewall altogether. The key propaganda contents of our bank for this session are set out as follows:

1.Case sharing, analysis of common methods and precautionary measures for financial network fraud.

2.Popularization of security awareness, improvement of the security awareness of preventing telecommunications fraud, safely managing financial passwords, and protecting personal financial information.